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GT-SUITE 7.3 Build 3 (Win/Linux)

Просмотров : 809
 GT-SUITE 7.3 Build 3 (Win/Linux)

GT-SUITE 7.3 Build 3 (Win/Linux) | 3.38 GB

GT-SUITE is a product of Gamma Technologies (GTI), a specialist software company which is solely focused on the Engine and Vehicle Industry. GT-SUITE handles, in a single software tool, a wide variety of vehicle and engine technical applications. These include:
Автор: resoors | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0

CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6 by Krokoz (2012/English)

Просмотров : 794
 CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6 by Krokoz (2012/English)

CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6 by Krokoz (2012/English) | 1.03GB
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 a new graphics package that allows you to confidently move forward any graphic project. Sharp tools, the best on the market compatible files and updated content to help bring creative ideas into professional results, from the colorful logos and signs to the extraordinary marketing materials and attractive web graphics. It consists of vector graphics CorelDRAW X6, raster graphics editor PHOTO PAINT X6, a program for transforming raster images into vector Corel PowerTRACE X6, a program for creating screenshots Corel CAPTURE X6, as well as e book to work with the package CorelDRAW Handbook. This package combines the full range of excellent design capabilities, speed and ease of use.
Автор: warez | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0

Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate v2014 (x86-x64)

Просмотров : 787
Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate v2014 (x86-x64)

Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate v2014 (x86-x64) | 18.9 GB

Autodesk® Building Design Suite provides a 3D building design software portfolio that combines Building Information Modeling (BIM) and CAD tools to help you design, visualize, simulate, and build more efficiently. Produce compelling visualizations, use integrated simulation and analysis, create higher-quality construction documentation, and improve control over project outcomes.
Автор: admin | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0

Auto FX Plug-in Suite 1.0 (Mac OSX)

Просмотров : 667
 Auto FX Plug-in Suite 1.0 (Mac OSX)

Auto FX Plug-in Suite 1.0 (Mac OSX) | 3.89 GB

The Auto FX Plug-in Suite 1.0 provides you with a comprehensive selection of visual effects from the world's premier developer of Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins. This suite of products works with Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3, CS4 and higher.
Автор: kinogrants | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0


Просмотров : 907


Autodesk® Factory Design Suite helps you design and communicate the most efficient manufacturing layout by creating a digital factory model. Quickly evaluate multiple what-if layout scenarios to determine the best solution before any equipment is installed. Factory-specific visualization and analysis tools help increase innovation, design efficiency, and
Автор: kinogrant | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0

Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Premium 2014 (x64)

Просмотров : 714
 Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Premium 2014 (x64)

Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Premium 2014 (x64) | 5.1 Gb
The Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites provide an affordable end-to-end creation and production solution, packed with tools used by leading artists working in visual effects, game development, and other 3D animation production. The Standard edition offers a choice of either Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Maya animation software, together with Autodesk Mudbox 3D sculpting and painting software, Autodesk MotionBuilder real-time virtual production and motion capture editing software, and Autodesk SketchBook Designer concept art software.
Автор: admin | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium LS6 Mac OSX

Просмотров : 617
 Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium LS6 Mac OSX

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium LS6 Mac OSX | 5.53 GB

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium - necessary tools for the professional designer. Create expressive digital images and graphics, which retains high clarity when scaled.
Автор: resoors | Категория: Warez | Комментариев: 0
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